Friday 2 April 2010

when i am not sure if i am loved

What I want is better than revenge and superior to indifference. I want to give you what you deserve; you deserve nothing less than my most sincere sympathy and my purest pity. When I look at myself, and when I question the very essence of my being, how I strive and struggle to be good is the only thing within me that I am proud of, and the only thing I can aspire to to make me glow, and to make me feel beautiful.

for your birthday she sent you a card
she didn’t sign her name she gave an autograph
now she’s trying to call your bluff
is she your true love?
we knew the boy who went from mod to ted
she asked matter of fact had he "gone off his head?"
he was uncomplaining as a tree
not a thing like me

you’re not a teenager
so don’t act like one
sure she’s a heartbreaker
does she have one?
is it down to me, down to me we both rarely speak?
i went for a stroll after dark
i thought of you with her while staring at the black
i didn’t have you down for being easily led
or the girl well read...
i went for a stroll after dark
i thought of you and her, i think ’m going mad
can you help me to see where I’m going wrong?
help me finish this song?

Wednesday 17 March 2010

how do you know if you're being treated right if you don't know what you're worth?

Wednesday 3 March 2010

Thursday 25 February 2010

gurrrrl if you don't love yo'self, how tha hell you gonna love someone else?

like most people i have issues. issues with the world, issues with other people, and issues with myself. tissues for issues.

but yeah i thought i would let you in on one of lesser things that i get selfconcious about. i have small teeth and BIG gums, which i'm going to stop hating on

what hang ups do you need to let go of? i can't promise anything, but i'm almost certain it's something no one else finds repulsive or ugly. LOVE YOURSELF MY BEAUTIFUL FRIENDS (but not too much ;p )

looking like a true survivor, feeling like a little kid

i'm still standing

i had a really visceral dream about dragging myself out of a swamp last night

tonight i'm going to have fun. after my seminar there is a free screening of some of the short films from the glasgow film festival, and later a friend of a friend's gig followed by indra's dubstep set at nice n' sleazy's. this weekend should be good, as my lovely friend anya comes up from london to visit. i'm praying i can get an 'emergency' loan from the bursary cos my money doesn't come through until monday, and it would also be nice if it stops snowing for good. Amen


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